Mark Butler

Mark Butler has been discussing balance sheets, cash flow, and small business strategies with Jesse Mecham for years—first, as friends and, more recently, as a co-host of the Beginning Balance podcast.
As a cash flow consultant for business owners, Mark realized that high-income earners struggle with self-destructive money thoughts and bad habits just like the rest of us, and founded Money School to help others find peace and progress despite highly variable income.
Featured Articles

Can I Afford It: 4 Questions to Ask Before Buying
"Can I afford it?' is a common question to ask, but these four questions do a better job at finding out if a purchase aligns with your goals.
In Times of Financial Struggle, Keep the Truth in Front of You
My friend started a budget. His situation isn't easy, but during this struggle, it’s crucial that he keep his financial truth in front of him.
Why Is It So Hard to Talk About Money?
If you’re struggling to talk about money in your CLOSEST relationship, here’s a few questions that will help you break the ice.
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My Top 3 Personal Money Challenges
Changing the way you manage money can be tricky. Learn how to overcome the top 3 personal budgeting challenges that may be holding you back.
Can I Afford It: 4 Questions to Ask Before Buying
"Can I afford it?' is a common question to ask, but these four questions do a better job at finding out if a purchase aligns with your goals.
Budgeting Lessons Learned From My Six-Year-Old Temporary Blinds
How long will a set of temporary blinds last? Answer: At least six years. Here's why I'm keeping my temporary blinds for as long as possible.
In Times of Financial Struggle, Keep the Truth in Front of You
My friend started a budget. His situation isn't easy, but during this struggle, it’s crucial that he keep his financial truth in front of him.
How I Lost Weight & What It Has to Do With Budgeting
We’d reach our goals more quickly and with less stress by making some simple (not necessarily easy) structural changes to our lives.
How to Defeat Denial, Entitlement, and Wussiness
Yesterday I spent time reading through YNAB users’ journals in the forum (worth the time, by the way). The journals are a mixed bag.
4 Painless Changes That Freed Up Money for Debt Reduction
When it comes to paying off debt, every little bit helps. Here are four changes I made to my budget that helped me save $100.
The One Piece of Financial Advice I’d Give 18 Year-Old Me
Kate and I have a young family member who’s considering her next major steps in life. Over dinner on Saturday night I told Kate about my plans to sit this family member down and lecture her at great length about how to not commit the financial felonies that pockmark my adulthood.
5 Anxiety-Inducing Weak Spots In My Budget
As you budget, check to see if you have any of these weak spots that might threaten your savings momentum.
Our Budget: $4,200/Month
Manage your budget with care, separate your business budget from your personal budget, and go into hard-core sales mode to build a business pipeline.
Why You Should Use Hashtags in Your Transaction Memos
Memo hashtags let me keep all the expenses in their proper category instead of lumping them all into a “vacation” category.
Is College Worth the Cost? I Crunched the Numbers
Let’s talk about funding our children’s education. The other day I said I’ll be putting college savings for my kids on the back burner, prioritizing debt elimination and retirement savings instead. Commenters split their feelings pretty evenly.