Free, live workshops
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(Live captioning available upon request.)
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Building Savings
Getting a Month Ahead in YNAB
You're regularly implementing the first three habits—now let's age your money by getting a month ahead! YNAB teachers will explain the benefits of being a month ahead and how to actually do it. Don't miss this chance to experience even more joy with your money!
Building Savings
Level Up Your Savings
It may not feel like it yet, but you have power to live the lifestyle you want and prepare for your future. Our friendly teachers will equip you with tools to become a star saver and build a pile of cash. We’ll walk you through how to set up savings targets, handle your savings account in YNAB, and save without feeling restricted. Ready to level up?
Special Uses
Using YNAB with Variable Income
It’s hard to get a handle on cash flow when your income varies from month to month. But you can have complete confidence in spending even when you don’t know when you’ll get paid again. YNAB has helped countless other freelancers, commission sales, and gig workers gain total control of their finances. What are you waiting for?
Getting Started
Get Started with YNAB
If you’re not sure where to begin with YNAB, tune in for a live session with our friendly teachers. They’ll take the stress out of managing your money and save you time with fun, step-by-step guidance. You’ll leave with a ready-to-use spending plan and the confidence knowing you’re set up for success. Let’s do this!
Special Uses
Using YNAB as a Couple
You're in this together so let's get you two all set up in YNAB! We’ll show you the step-by-step mechanics of creating a spending plan for your specific situation (whether you have joint accounts, separate accounts, or a hybrid) and outline how to have conversations about your money. Get ready to spend with joy together!
Special Uses
Open Q&A
It’s natural for questions to pop up as you get the hang of YNAB. If you are hungry for more learning after “Get Started with YNAB” join this Live Q&A with one of our expert teachers. Show up with specific inquiries or simply learn from others. This is a judgment-free, sky’s-the-limit zone.
Debt & Credit Cards
Manage Credit Cards and Eliminate Your Debt
Our teachers will show you the tried-and-true way to handle credit cards in YNAB, and they’ll guide you through eliminating the dark cloud of debt from your life using the the YNAB Method. Say goodbye to the stress and uncertainty debt causes!
Getting Started
Build Your YNAB Routine
It’s time to establish a YNAB routine so you can spend with confidence and reach your goals faster! We’ll cover adding transactions, account reconciliation, and making adjustments along the way.
What are the workshops like?
Get practical, hands-on instruction, alongside just a dozen or so other aspiring YNABers.
Designed around targeted subject matter, you can dive in wherever makes the most sense for you.
Ask live questions and interact directly with an expert teacher who is invested in your success.
No need for a huge time commitment. Drop in whenever you like!