Truth Time: Things I’m Glad My Budget Doesn’t Track
When we enter our transactions faithfully, our budgets become a source of truth about our spending—and that data can be pretty telling about life in general.
(Like that time I spent $28 to have ice cream delivered to my house? Yeah, I was going through some stuff, there’s no need to bring it up now. Let’s move on.)
Although that information can be extremely helpful when it comes to analyzing financial trends and adjusting behavior accordingly—yes, I could have driven one mile to the store and saved roughly $21—sometimes the accompanying reality check feels more like an NFL-caliber tackle than a reassuring hug.
Accountability hurts a little.
So, we started thinking about all of the things we’re glad our budgets don’t track. Here’s what Instagram had to offer:

Go ahead and enjoy your untracked indulgences, friends. No one has to know!
And keep budgeting—it’s good for you! (Unlike $28 ice cream deliveries.)