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How to get out of debt

Debt can be a vicious cycle: you’re out, you’re in, and around and around it goes. Make a plan to knock out your debt once and for all.

Debt weighs heavy. Lighten your load.

You might be embarrassed, ashamed, or maybe you just want to ignore your debt—but it won’t go away, no matter how nicely you ask. It’s a gray cloud that lurks over your days more often than you’d like.

Imagine life without the weight of debt. You’d feel lighter. You'd have more opportunities. You can break out of debt for good and feel those floaty fluffy vibes in your everyday life. You owe it to yourself.

We can help you demolish your debt

We’ve helped thousands of people pay off millions of dollars of debt. We won’t shame you, guilt you, or force you to eat ramen until that last dollar is gone. Here’s how it works.

A desktop computer with the YNAB logo on the screen

1. Sign up for a free trial

Try our app. Consume our free content. Poke around a bit. Decide if you like us.
Icon of a document with two dollar bills

2. Make a plan

Decide where you want your money to go, experiment with different repayment options, organize your payoff plan, and feel more in control.

3. Destroy your debt

You’ll find extra money to put towards monthly payments and your balances will shrink to oblivion. Freedom!
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You might assume getting out of debt is all about sacrifices

Yes, there were sacrifices, but they felt more like trade-offs. We knew we were making progress on the things that mattered most to us.

“We paid off $180,000”

Liz and her husband will be the first to tell you they don’t make an excessive amount of money. But with the help of YNAB and by being consistent about their repayment plan, they paid off $180,000 of debt in five years without feeling like they were running a marathon of scrimping and saving.

What’s your debt pain point? We can help!

Help! I feel like I’ll never pay off all my debt!

If the amount of debt you’re in feels insurmountable, we’re here to tell you: you are not alone (or a loan)! Read five debt repayment tips for paying off debt fast from people who have been in your shoes.

Pay Off Debt Fast

Help! I get out of debt only to get right back in!

There’s not many things more frustrating than throwing everything you’ve got at that nasty debt only to have it come pouncing back. If that feels like the cycle you’re stuck in, learn how to make permanent progress.

Stay Out of Debt Forever

Help! I don’t know where to start.

When you have a small pile of credit card debt, an auto loan, and a tangle of student loans all with varying balances and interest rates, it can be tough to know where to start. So what comes first?

What To Do First

Practical tools for paying off debt

Read the Full Guide

This comprehensive guide will walk you through how to pay off debt and make a plan no matter where you’re starting.

Hands-On Learning

Our always-friendly teachers will show you the step-by-step mechanics of making a debt paydown plan in YNAB.

Debt Video Course

Make your own debt management plan in this approachable, bite-sized, and often hilarious video course.

Join the Debt Bootcamp

Need encouragement to stay on track? Take part in a like-minded community and stay motivated to pay down debt faster!

See real examples of people paying off debt

We’re Paying Off $200K of Debt and Saving for a House

See the income and expenses of DINKs as they're aggressively paying down debt (by living with the in-laws) and saving for a house.

See Someone’s Budget: YNAB Money Snapshots

An office admin in California makes $27,800 a year, lives with her family, and spent $11 last month to care for her pet corn snake.

We’re a Family of Six Making $144,000/Year

YNAB Money Snapshots: see the income and expenses of a couple and their four kids living in Connecticut on $144K per year.