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certified YNAB coach

Susan B.


I'm a recovering compulsive debtor and spender. Since 2010, I've helped others who suffer from this addiction develop their spending plan and learn how to work with it using YNAB. I also offer YNAB troubleshooting and YNAB "Do It For You" services.

My Background

One day at a time, I've not incurred new debt nor had a spending binge since 4/25/09. On that date, I had $34,000 of credit card debt. On 2/9/16, I became debt-free … and continue to live within my means.

Since 2010, in addition to coaching, I've spoken and written about spending plans and recovery from compulsive spending:

* Author of the book "Getting Out from Going Under Daily Reader for Compulsive
 Debtors and Spenders"
* Hosted the podcast, "I Can't Stop Spending"
* Developed the free "Fearless Budgeting" spending plan training program
* Created the "Getting Out from Going Under" blog.

Why Work with Me

I understand the unique challenges and fears faced by compulsive spenders around creating and living by a spending plan. While no coach or program can cure compulsive spending, if you're on a recovery path, working with someone who has been where you are can help you overcome the feelings of shame, overwhelm, and paralysis that have kept you from moving forward in the past.

Why I Coach

I believe that YNAB, and its method, is the perfect budgeting tool for recovering compulsive spenders. Since 2009, YNAB has been an integral part of my own recovery journey. Where I used to dread dealing with numbers, I've come to see the daily tasks and decisions related to living solvently as a deeply spiritual practice and embrace the clarity and peace it brings.

Since 2010, I've been passionate about helping others achieve that same goal by assisting them in creating their own spending plan and using YNAB as an adjunct to their recovery efforts.

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Getting Out from Going Under Publishing
Florida, United States
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YNAB Certified Since
March 2024
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