YNAB’s Origin Story
The year was 2003. A young Jesse and Julie Mecham are married, and like most newlyweds-who-are-still-college-students, they were very broke. Like, can’t-buy-a-donut-broke.
So they began tracking their (very little) money and developed a system that helped them anticipate needs and save for the future, without feeling strapped or stressed. In an attempt to generate an extra $350/month to cover their rent, Jesse asked Julie if she thought he could sell their budgeting spreadsheet and if so, what he should call it.
She said, “No,” and “You Need A Budget.” (She doesn’t mess around.)
Fast Forward 20 Years…
It’s no longer a spreadsheet. Or called a budget. Or named You Need A Budget. But, undoubtedly, YNAB has changed lives.
Here’s the story of how we have taught millions to spend, save, and give joyfully since 2004.

After being told to “look busy” while working as an intern for KPMG, Jesse rewrites the sales copy on the YNAB website. It is during this revision that the Four Rules make their first appearance.
The Four Rules take off, and YNAB goes from $38.10 in profits to $1,540.15.

“Together, we could be a very potent force for good.” Taylor joins as a contractor and begins to work on YNAB Pro.


YNAB 3 had a split transaction feature, which set YNAB apart from competitors in 2009.
It now serves as an unintended time capsule of YNAB’s evolution and Jesse’s early 2000s style choices.






Of course, it’s the only year Fortune doesn’t include the list in print, so we had one of our designers make our own magazine cover.




We coin a new word for the state of awareness achieved when you align your spending with your priorities; it’s spendfulness. And it changes everything.