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certified YNAB coach

Nick Kaylor


Nick, a husband and dad to 3 young kids, coaches software teams by day and budgeters by night (and weekends). Life evolves and so should our budgets. Nick’s goal is to make asking for help No Big Deal as people figure out budgeting with YNAB and their financial priorities.

My Background

In my day job, I examine issues, processes, and perspectives by asking "Why?" a lot. I champion simplicity and staying nimble so when changes are needed we can shift quickly and easily. I prioritize reflecting reality and root causes over workarounds and sweeping under the rug.

YNAB does similar things for our approach to budgeting and finances, and it's been a game-changer for us since 2020 when we realized our budgeting method wasn't working and we found ourselves in preventable debt once again. The hardest part was unwinding preconceptions and habits so we could fully embrace and realize YNAB's potential.

Why Work with Me

Choosing YNAB is different than choosing any other budgeting tool. It's a decision to being a driver of your finances instead of a passenger. I help people learn how to drive.

- Maybe you and your spouse are navigating budgeting together?
- Maybe you feel like you make plenty of money but don't understand where it's going and why you aren't able to do more of what you want?
- Maybe you've tried YNAB before but things just aren't clicking?

If you're ready to take control, open to new perspectives, and willing to form new habits, we'd work well together. Reach out!

Why I Coach

I started Budget Better because I believe there's people out there who really wish they could get help with this money stuff but aren't sure who they can turn to, what to ask, or even if they should ask. Doesn't everyone have it all together?

YNAB's method changed our lives, and I think if people can change how they think of budgeting it can have the same effect for them. Budget Better is here to help with the learning curve, talk through your specific situation, and provide accountability on your journey to budgeting bliss.

Focus Areas

Life Transitions
College Grads
YNAB Certified Coaches have completed an intensive training program but are not employed by YNAB. Pricing is determined individually by each coach.
Budget Better LLC
McKinney, Texas, United States
Meeting Options
Remote & In-Person
YNAB Certified Since
May 2022
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