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certified YNAB coach

Lissa Prudencio


I specialize in helping women of color improve their relationships with money, get organized, and build a life of financial security, wealth, and ABUNDANCE! In addition to being a proud YNAB nerd, I am an Accredited Financial Counselor® and personal finance YouTuber & TikToker.

My Background

As the daughter of Filipino immigrants who embraced the American dream, I learned to work hard, but not how to build wealth. Throughout my 20s, I pursued college degrees (and accumulated debt) while striving to increase my income. In my 30s, I took proactive steps to learn about personal finance, and I haven't looked back since. I've successfully paid off my debts, grown my net worth, established multiple streams of income, and, most importantly, healed my own relationship with money. Now, it has become my passion and mission to help others achieve the same financial empowerment.

Why Work with Me

I am knowledgeable, empathetic, and genuinely committed to removing the guilt and shame associated with discussing money. My unique blend of experience, education, credentials, and coaching style will enable you to gain confidence and empower you to build wealth.

Why I Coach

I coach because I believe I can help people improve their quality of life. In a coaching setting, I am able to provide impactful guidance that helps individuals make lasting changes to their finances. While I reach audiences at scale with my financial content on YouTube and TikTok, I understand that blanket information can only go so far. Through coaching, I can delve into clients' unique relationships with money and assist them in making long-term improvements. This is fulfilling for me because I know firsthand how life-changing it can be to develop a healthier relationship with money!

Focus Areas

Variable Income
College Grads
YNAB Certified Coaches have completed an intensive training program but are not employed by YNAB. Pricing is determined individually by each coach.
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Wealth for Women of Color
Los Angeles, California, United States
Meeting Options
Remote & In-Person
YNAB Certified Since
March 2024
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