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certified YNAB coach

Joy Triolo

Welcome, Joy here. My passion is Empowering 60y+ Christian Single Wealthy (1M+) Working Woman to become humbly confident money managers using YNAB.com! As a long-time YNABer and grateful certified YNAB coach, I love giving value working with smart wealthy 60y+ Christian Woman in Life Transitions of Singleness: Divorce, Widow, and Retirement.

My Background

My YNAB.com 6y sons funny story:  Well,  I love being confident and having peace of mind around money multiplying (investing). budgeting, tithing, offerings, savings, spending and money management. I raised my now 3 successful adult Children on Dave Ramsey and YNAB Budgeting. My Son, Jack (6y) said Mom, I wish Santa was real, cuz now I know about my $100 budget for Christmas! haha   My education certifications: May 2024 YNAB.com Certified Coach,  25y+ YNAB.com Humbly Confident Personal Money Multiplier, August 2023 Wealth with GOD Member, Aug. 2019 - Sep 2023 Profit for Keeps YNAB.com AmberDugger.com Mastermind. BS Business Mgmt UMD 1987

Why Work with Me

Being Friendly, Kind and Speaking in plain English about Technology, Apps, and automating Budgeting is my SuperPower!  I want to educate and add value giving you the YNAB.com encouragement and essential skills to feel in control, confident, and peace of mind around all things money management and budgeting. Budgeting is organizing your money. I teach an easy and essential 5-JAR Kingdom Money Management System Using YNAB.com software. Remember, You are good with Money!

Why I Coach

My passion is honoring and obeying GOD and teaching and empowering Kingdom Woman to become humbly confident responsible money managers. I love hearing about your Kingdom Dreams and gathering Christian Woman together in a safe living room setting and share how powerful and amazing GOD is working in one another's calling and lives.  Sharing the awe and wonder of GOD  entrusting Us with His Money and He loves seeing HIS Beloved Kingdom Proverbs 31 Ladies being good and faithful Kingdom Money Manager. We get to partner with GOD,THE HOLY SPIRIT, funding Our KING CHRIST JESUS Great Commission! Mathew 25:21

Focus Areas

Life Transitions
YNAB Certified Coaches have completed an intensive training program but are not employed by YNAB. Pricing is determined individually by each coach.
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www.thejoyofbudgeting.com by EAGLEJOYLLC
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Sugar Hill, GA, United States
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YNAB Certified Since
May 2024
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