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certified YNAB coach

Josh Collier


I love helping people align their spending with their priorities and goals. Specializing in on-boarding and single “I need help” meetings, I get you right into YNAB and coach you through learning by doing. Huge budget nerd, CFP, and over a dozen years using YNAB.

My Background

My best friend told me I had to get this new desktop app called YNAB. I was hooked – and that was over 12 years ago! I’ve always had fun nerding out about budgets and finances and trying to help people by sharing what I’ve learned. I’m a financial planner by day, armchair economist by night. I love pizza movie night with my kids, a good coffee paired with a good book, rock climbing, and I like to live a balance between being cozy on the couch and hiking a trail.

Why Work with Me

You have a unique personality and set of financial priorities. My focus is to help you use YNAB in the way that works best for you. You’ll want to work with me if you’re ready to get right into YNAB and you’d rather be asked questions and given options than be told exactly what to do. And have some fun along the way.

Why I Coach

A lot of people walk into my office stressed about their money. They’re worried they don’t or won’t have enough. Most feel like they don’t even know where it all goes. Some are buried in debt and don’t see a way out. I coach because I want to help people find freedom from that stress.

I coach because I know there’s a path from angst about money to money being the way you build the life you want.

Focus Areas

Variable Income
YNAB Certified Coaches have completed an intensive training program but are not employed by YNAB. Pricing is determined individually by each coach.
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Gig Harbor Financial Services
Tacoma, Washington, United States
Meeting Options
Remote & In-Person
YNAB Certified Since
August 2022
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