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certified YNAB coach

Emelia Benitez

Nobody has time for financial clutter and disorganization. As your budget coach, I will help you align your everyday spending decisions with your priorities and get your financial house in order. YNAB has changed our family finances, and it can do it for you too.

My Background

I'm a first-generation college graduate with degrees in Biochemistry and Accounting.  I was employed for almost a decade until priorities changed and I became a stay-at-home parent due to my children’s health issues.  I applied my budgeting skills to manage our family finances, admittedly, not using the right tools at times! In 2018, while personally fighting PTSD and depression, YNAB came back into our life and gave our family the financial peace and calm it needed. Since then, we thrived as a single income household.

Why Work with Me

Have you ever avoided budgets before? If yes, then you have come to the right place! I am a highly organized and analytical person, and believe there's a lot to learn when it comes to things we avoid. I will help you design a budget that is just right for you and fits your goals while also helping to shorten your budgeting learning curve. Know there may be personal challenges along the way, but it is okay to feel overwhelmed and not know where to start. With your commitment we will get your financial house in order!

Why I Coach

I grew up watching my family work hard for their income, however, they lacked the knowledge to manage it, leading them to live paycheck to paycheck. While not everyone likes numbers as much as I do, through coaching I can apply and share the budgeting skills I have learned and teach others how to organize and take control of their finances. YNAB changed how our family finances are managed and allowed us to dream much bigger, leaving the worry of living paycheck to paycheck behind. I would love to be a part of your financial journey to dreaming much bigger!

Focus Areas

Variable Income
Life Transitions
YNAB Certified Coaches have completed an intensive training program but are not employed by YNAB. Pricing is determined individually by each coach.
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Emilian Services, LLC.
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Waxahachie, Texas, United States
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Meeting Options
Remote & In-Person
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Spanish, English
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YNAB Certified Since
March 2024
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