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Want To Be A Better Budgeter? Count Your Blessings

Thanksgiving is all anyone is really thinking about at this point. If you are at work, you are probably killing time, reading blogs or watching YouTube videos until your boss leaves, so you can duck out early.

But since we’re here, and we’re thinking about Thanksgiving, let’s talk about what it can mean for your budget.

There is a direct correlation between how content you are and how successfully you are budgeting. When you are content, your budget tends to do very well. You are in it for the long-haul, and you know you can and will stick with it.

Easier Said Than Done

You could just say, “I should be more content.” You could. You could read up on it, listen to some podcasts, sure. Will it help? Probably.

But I think the most powerful thing you can do—and something we should be doing far more than once a year—is really thinking hard about all the things you are thankful for. What better way to feel the bounty of your life than to focus on your blessings? The smallest details. Every last one.

Gratitude Provides Perspective

I was driving into work this morning, thinking about the kids, and some stresses, and some things I have to work through, but then when I compare my kids—my family—to work stress, well, it becomes clear pretty quickly, “Everything will be OK, the important stuff is taken care of.”

And as you think through your life—your goals, your commitments, your family, your hopes for the future, your possessions, your net worth—acknowledge all that you have to be thankful for.

“I’m thankful… I’m thankful for my health. I’m thankful for friends. I’m thankful for great family. I’m thankful for a loving spouse.” The list goes on and on.

We are always trying remind our kids to be thankful for our house and that they always have plenty of food to eat. I feel like it is so important to teach them the power of gratitude.

Gratitude Breeds Contentment

Anything you can do to help yourself feel more gratitude will boost your contentment, and the more content you are the better your budget will be!

So that’s the message just for this Thanksgiving week, count your blessings, and see if that doesn’t help you feel more content with where you are, where you’re headed, and the pace with which you will get there.

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Want To Be A Better Budgeter? Count Your Blessings