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Start Budgeting in Just One Hour

You can completely change your life in just 60 minutes.

It’s hard not to shout about how amazing budgeting is.

At YNAB, we’ve heard from people who’ve tackled six-figure debt, even while battling job loss.

Others have gone from completely broke (and stressed!) to saving up enough cash in the bank to live for three months.

And, still others have budgeted to bring their biggest dreams to life (like globetrotting as a family).

Amazing, right?

But, if you’ve never been successful at budgeting, these victories may seem far-fetched. Maybe you feel stuck, relying on your credit card to make ends meet. Or you hate numbers. Or there’s simply no time to keep track of it all. Or you just want to ignore your stress and enjoy your paycheck, thank you very much.

…but the stress is real. That’s why you’re here! And, the truth is, you can solve your problems (like hundreds of thousands of YNABers before you).

Take the First Step to Start Budgeting, Now.

If you’ve got an hour, then you’ve got plenty of time to to set the wheels in motion—to finally start moving towards financial stability and a life where you have the freedom (and wiggle room in your budget) to choose.

If you’re tired of counting down the days until your next payday and timing your bill payments …

If you’re sick of worrying about how high your credit card bill crept this month/year/decade …

If you dream of finally making it to Aruba to attend your favorite yoga teacher’s live classes (or buy your dream car, get an education or start a business—whatever it is!) …

If you want to feel in control of your money, without a worry in the world …

Then, it’s time. Make the time. Carve out 60 minutes, asap, and get going. And, here’s a secret: you don’t have to do this perfectly. Guess, if you have to.

Nice ‘N’ Easy Does It.

You ready? (Yes, of course you are.) There are only three steps necessary to step out of money overwhelm and into a more secure, much-much-much less stressed you:

  1. If you haven’t already, start a free, 34-day trial of YNAB.
  2. Read The Four Rules to learn about YNAB’s proven method. Not much of a reader? No problem, attend our free, 20-minute, online class, Learn the Four Rules. (The latter option comes with a live Q&A so that you can talk directly with our friendly and super-helpful teachers.)
  3. Complete our Ultimate Get Started Guide, which walks you through the fundamental features of our software, including setting goals, adding accounts, budgeting your money and scheduling future transactions. Keep this step very simple—your budget will naturally evolve with time. All you need, today, is a starting point.

That’s it!

You’re well on your way, and you’ll only get better with time.

In fact, don’t be surprised that your budget and money habits will constantly evolve—life changes, so your financial priorities will, too. And, that’s the heart of the issue. Your budget is simply a guide to help you spend your money on exactly what you want.

… when your spending aligns with your deepest desires, you’re doing it right. That’s why people fall so hard for budgeting. That’s what all the buzz is about! And, that’s why you’ll be so very happy that you finally got started.

Make This The Year You Start Budgeting

Follow the three steps, above, and make this year the year that you stopped worrying about money. Swallow your fears, and dive in (you will be so happy that you did—truth). And, if you need a little inspiration to stoke your budgeting fire, we’ve got you covered:

  • Love to read? Visit your local library and check out You Need A Budget, the book. (Or grab a copy of your own, if you’re so inclined.)
  • Love to listen? Subscribe to the YNAB podcast for budget musings by Jesse. We also release special podcast episodes called Debt Stories—where Jesse interviews real people who are beating debt and winning financially. Subscribe on iTunes, Soundcloud or wherever you get your podcasts.
  • Just want some like-minded friends? You won’t find a friendlier group than YNABers. Check out the Facebook Fans group, the YNAB subreddit or our support forum.

… and, when you’ve faced your deepest budgeting fears and your world feels right, once again, we hope that you share your success story with us. I, for one, can’t wait to hear it!

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Start Budgeting in Just One Hour