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Jesse’s Interview: Quit Like a Millionaire

This week on the podcast, Jesse interviewed Kristy Shen and Bryce Leung, authors of Quit Like a Millionaire: No Gimmicks, Luck, or Trust Fund Required.  Jesse found their story so captivating and so relevant to everything we talk about here at YNAB that he just couldn’t put the book down and knew he had to have Kristy and Bryce on the podcast.

Kristy tells us the difficult story of her upbringing in China, where her family lived in abject poverty during a very difficult time in China’s history. Her family emigrated to Canada when she was 8 years old and managed to build a new life for themselves. Kristy is grateful for her childhood, which gave her a healthy scarcity mindset, but also discusses her struggle against the consumerism trap that came when she started making money for herself after she graduated with an engineering degree.

Bryce and Kristy discuss how Kristy’s background combined with Bryce’s abundance mindset made their union so powerful. Kristy found ways to reduce spending while Bryce helped ease Kristy’s fear of investing. And when they found the Financial Independence movement, they were off to the races! They were able to retire with a million dollars when Kristy was only thirty-one years old, and they want to show you how it’s possible for you to retire early too!

Listen to the full fascinating interview right here:

And check out the new book here and Kristy’s blog here

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Jesse’s Interview: Quit Like a Millionaire