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A tool for complete cash flow clarity

Stop letting big expenses surprise you and start making real financial progress for your small business with the power of a digital envelope system.

Tired of playing the guessing game?

Do you redesign the website or save the money for the dry season? Do you bulk up your marketing spend or hire an extra hand? Whether you’re making $5,000 or $5 million a year, there is a question that haunts every small business owner: can I afford this?

Start planning your growth with confidence

Learn a unique and powerful method to keep more of your money, eliminate the cash flow roller coaster, and get a good night’s sleep (finally!). See your runway clearly and plan your growth with YNAB—a money management tool for your small business.

“With YNAB, I spent a year in South Africa getting certified as a safari guide.”

Janna, a dedicated YNABer, didn't just tweak her daily routine; she rewrote her entire story from Amsterdam city slicker to South African safari guide. Her journey is an example of how intentional spending can be the compass that guides you to your true north.

“With YNAB, I got Maui’d.”

When YNABers Brian and Leann decided to celebrate their union with a dream wedding in Hawaii, they knew things were getting pretty serious—and it was going to take some serious saving to enjoy a stress-free start to their new future. So to honor their commitment to one another, they decided to re-commit to YNAB... and the end result was a debt-free $30,000 dream-come-true experience and a happily ever after that started with working together to achieve their goals.

“With YNAB, I had a fully-funded fairytale wedding.”

As a devoted YNAB user and hopeless romantic, Carsen started saving for his dream wedding before he had a partner. When he met Ulysses, he knew he had finally found his happily ever after. Together they funded an extravagant fairytale wedding complete with a castle, costumes, and a vow to always use YNAB (yes, really.)

Who says you shouldn’t talk about money?

Not us. In fact, we believe the way the world thinks about money is, well, kind of broken. Financial advice is often predatory or patronizing, and talking about money is considered taboo in some circles. But our money is our life—it’s a reflection of our priorities and values, our wants and our needs, our work and our play. It shouldn’t be a secret! With intentional spending, you’ll start to feel good about where your money goes... and where it takes you.

Take your business finances from stressful to stress-free

You’ll watch your checking account balance swell, make that new hire with all the confidence in the world, and give yourself a steadily growing paycheck.

Large decorative opening quotation marks

I have more mental margin

Excel required too much mental energy and was eventually a drain on my attention and brain power.

Take your business finances from stressful to stress-free

You’ll watch your checking account balance swell, make that new hire with all the confidence in the world, and give yourself a steadily growing paycheck.

Large decorative opening quotation marks

I have more mental margin

Excel required too much mental energy and was eventually a drain on my attention and brain power.

Why you'll love YNAB for your small business

Master expense list and detailed reports

See all of your upcoming bills and non-monthly expenses in one master view. You'll have a cash flow statement and see spending trends over time.

A tangible plan for growth

Plan out your future investments and start putting money behind them without sacrificing your current expenses. And those hefty investments that feel too big to pull off? Save for them in smaller chunks and make them happen.

Easy exports of your data

Working with an accountant or tax preparer? You can export your data to pass off.

Empowered decision-making for your small business

I Use YNAB Instead of Quickbooks for Business

If you run a small business, YNAB may simplify your cashflow and provide you with more peace of mind for the future.

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You Need A Money Management Tool for Your Business

YNAB helps the risk-avoider take calculated risks and helps the risk-taker be more calculating. Learn how to use YNAB for your small business.

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How to Set Up YNAB to Manage Your Business Finances

Every business needs a plan. Learn how to set YNAB up with helpful suggestions from a small business owner.

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Practical tools for small business money management

See YNAB for Business

Want an example? See how this small business owner sets up YNAB for maximum profit and stress-free taxes.

Listen to the Podcast

Jesse Mecham and Mark Butler teach you to manage your cash flow, hone your business model, and manage money.

Read the Guide

This guide has nothing to do with accounting and everything to do with getting ahead with your small business.