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YNAB is Now Free for College Students

The headline basically says it all.

We’re fighting free with free. I was given a free t-shirt when I signed up for my first Visa credit card while in college (charged a mattress on it, forgot about the payment, paid it off, and cut it up in disgust—the card, not the mattress).

I don’t know what portion of their debt is avoidable, but more and more students are graduating from college absolutely weighed down by student loans. There isn't an easy solution, but I’m confident that, if you follow YNAB’s Four Rules, you can graduate with less debt.

Starting today, if you’re a college student (even part-time), we’ll let you use YNAB for free for a whole year—so you can feel the rush (we’re so serious) of budgeting, reaching your goals, and starting your next chapter in control of your money.

… also, we really want your mattress to cost you way less than mine did.

So, go ahead. Take our freebie and share it with your friends! And please send us a note when you've conquered your financial goals. We love a good success story.

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YNAB is Now Free for College Students