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How to Outsource Your Budget

Recently, my good buddy, Mr. Money Mustache, featured me on his blog. One of the questions he asked me about was fitness, “How do you do the fitness thing? How do you fit it all in?”

I have always loved fitness, but lately, I’ve been extra busy, not thinking about it nearly as much. And when Pete asked me about that, I realized for the first time, that I’ve basically outsourced it.

I don’t mean in the sense that someone else is doing the work—if only that were an option!—but I just mean I’ve outsourced the brain power required. I have completely offloaded thinking about it.

“The thing I’m really liking about it at the moment… is that I can just show up.”

What I did was join a Crossfit gym. I like our coaches. I’ve made friends. The thing I’m really liking about it at the moment (and I’ll tie this back into money here in a second—of course, fitness almost always has a parallel into money) is that I can just show up.

There’s a workout on the whiteboard. I do the workout with my friends. Then when the workout is done, I don’t think about it again. I’m getting results without any mental overhead.

So getting back to your money, what if you took the same approach? Could you, perhaps, outsource your budgeting philosophy? May I be so presumptuous to suggest you outsource it to me—to YNAB?

“What if you just said… I’m going to do what YNAB tells me to do and not think about it too much.”

What if you just took our proven method and say, “You know what? I’m busy. I have a lot of other things going on. I’m just going to do YNAB. I know I’ll get results. I’m just going to to do what YNAB tells me to do and not think about it.”

Of course, everyone has their little tweaks and particulars, but there is something to be said about letting the experts be your guide.

Most of the time, the highest performing athletes, are the ones that just forget about everything else and just do what their coach tells them to do.

Let the people who are paid to think about these things do the thinking for you.

We don’t have to become an expert in every area. Sometimes, it is more effective and will derive better results, to find an expert and do exaclty what they say.

And you know what, I’m an expert in budgeting. I was just thinking, trying to figure out if there was anything else, but yeah, no. I’m an expert in budgeting. That’s all I’ve got.

At YNAB, we have a massive track record, helping hundreds of thousands of people get control of their money, because our method really works.

“We have a massive track record… because our method really works.”

So maybe, just maybe, stop making it all so hard. Stop stressing and using up so much brain power, maybe, just maybe, take a chance on our expertise and outsource your budgeting.

You will still have to categorize your expenses and make decisions about your priorities, but what if you left all the hard-thinking up to us.

This is what we do. We know how to do this. If you want killer results, maybe your best option, is just to do exactly as we say.

Is that presumptuous? Absolutely. Will it help you? Absolutely.

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How to Outsource Your Budget