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June Podcast Roundup Part 2

Here’s a roundup of June podcast episodes:

A Week in the Wilderness – Prepping for a 50-mile hike is a lot like the monthly budget meeting. This topic is oozing metaphors.

Success Story: Debt Free and Loving It – Bill has been using YNAB for three years, along with Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover method. They’re debt free, and are working to pay down their mortgage as fast as possible.

Unexpected Slowdowns & Water Shortages – I returned from a 50-mile backpacking trip in a fairly remote area of Utah. Of course every single thing I experienced can be tied back to budgeting. Because budgeting is awesome.

YNAB 4 is Here. But it’s Not Why YNAB Works – New software is great (and YNAB 4 really is great), but the software isn’t the reason YNAB works.

If you want to subscribe to the podcast, you can do so over at iTunes.

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June Podcast Roundup Part 2