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January Podcast Roundup

Here’s a roundup of January’s podcasts. We hope you enjoy them!

064 – My Financial Life – Instead of talking about how we budget, which is just how I teach and nothing special, I wanted to discuss everything else financial, how and why I do the things I do, and let you then draw your own conclusion. I’m no expert on this, but it may give you some ideas.

065 – “YNAB Works” is Here! – I’m pleased to announce the launch of “YNAB Works!” A Home Study Guide+DVD Video package for schools, clients, kids of awesome parents, employees…basically anyone you care about 🙂

066 – Big Goals and Nothing Else Matters – If you’re getting the big goals taken care of, nothing else really matters.

067 – Spending Tens of Thousands of Dollars is So Easy – More about our car purchase from December. Now that the dust has settled, here’s what’s really freaking me out.

If you want to subscribe to the podcast, you can do so over at iTunes.

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