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Getting Help Just Got Even Better

Check out our live Q&A sessions for free budgeting advice!

You read that right. So far, in 2018, more than 50,000 people have dropped into a free YNAB workshop—that’s enough people to form, what the U.S. census would define as, an urban area. (Side note, can you just imagine how cool a city completely inhabited by YNABers would be? I’d move there in a heartbeat, provided my ‘Moving’ category was adequately funded.)

So, what’s the big draw? Maybe it’s …

  • Short, 20-minute Q&A sessions that you can attend from anywhere with Internet
  • Focused topics on all of the most common budgeting issues
  • Concise, information-packed presentations designed based on feedback from thousands of YNABers who’ve been in your shoes

And, while those are all great, my guess is that the biggest perk is:

You Can Ask Our Teachers Anything!

Yep, bring your questions! We leave plenty of time at the end of every workshop for audience participation. YNAB teachers are real people (who really use YNAB!), and they love to help. We all start our budgeting journeys at the beginning, so no question is too trivial.

And, really, if you’re stuck scratching your head about anything to do with our method or software, there’s nothing quite like asking an expert, directly, in real-time.

Have You Checked out the New Lineup?

We’ve got trusty crowd-pleasers like Set Up Your Budget, Master Credit Cards with your Budget and Saving Money on Groceries, but we’re always on the lookout for new and interesting class topics. And, on that note, we’re pleased to formally introduce our latest additions:

  • You Can Budget with Any Pay Cycle – Whether you’re a freelancer or someone who’s paid regularly, a budget can work for you. We’ll show how to budget with any pay cycle and make it work.
  • Quick Budget – Let us show you how YNAB’s Quick Budget Feature can remove tedium, speed up your budgeting, and most importantly – help you prioritize as you give every dollar a job. Come join us and add a few more tools to your budgeting toolbox.
  • Your Budget Routine – Developing a budget routine is a small investment of time that will yield big results! Join us as we learn how to build YNAB’s import features into your routine so you can stay focused on your budget.

Check out the full schedule!

This Will Be Fun.

Finally, dare I say it? These classes are fun! YNAB’s teachers are among the friendliest, most helpful people on the planet. So, slip into your robe, curl up with a mug of your favorite beverage and start plotting your dream life from the comfort of your couch.

What are you waiting for? Drop into a free, 20-minute workshop that is 100 percent focused on teaching you useful, actionable tips to make budgeting feel like second nature—with zero sales pitch!

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Getting Help Just Got Even Better