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The Unofficial YNAB Support Starter Kit

The Unofficial YNAB Support Starter Kit

So, you’ve resolved that this is your year—that, this year, you’ll finally whip your finances into shape. You’re ready for success, to stop running low on groceries at the end of the month and to finally pay off your credit card.Of course, you’ve signed up for YNAB’s free, 34-day trial (a wise decision, after all, new YNABers save, on average, $600 by month two and more than $6,000 in the first year!), but what else?

The YNAB Support Starter Kit

To stay motivated and boost your chances for success, you need more than good intentions, award-winning software and a tried and true method. Sure, that’s a good start, but don’t miss out on the following YNAB support tools.

The YNAB Community

They say it takes a village to raise a budgeter (or something like that). And it makes sense. When we surround ourselves with people who have similar goals, it propels us and makes us better. So, it is with great humility and pleasure that we invite you to join our virtual community—a place where you’ll meet some of the best people on the planet.YNABers are far more than just money-minded smarties—they’re truly wonderful, caring people. But you don’t have to take our word for it, join us! Lurk, post questions, make friends and swap encouraging comments! You can find the action over in the YNAB Facebook Fans group, the YNAB subreddit and in our support forum.And, for an extra boost, join our free 34-day challenge. It starts today!

Inspirational Stories & Guidance from Jesse

Whether you need a budget brush-up, could use a serious pep-talk, or require a solid walk-through on YNAB’s method, you’re bound to enjoy You Need A Budget—the book. That’s right, YNAB is also available in book form, written by Jesse, himself. So, grab your bookmark, and check out a copy at your local library! Or, if you’d prefer your very own copy, you can pick one up here.And don’t miss YNAB’s podcast, where you’ll hear Jesse wax poetic about all things budgeting. We also release special podcast episodes called Debt Stories—where Jesse interviews real people who are beating debt and winning financially. They make the perfect companion on your morning commute! You can subscribe to podcast on iTunes, Soundcloud, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Live Classes with Q&A

Once you get into the groove, you won’t believe how little effort it takes to be a brilliant budgeter. Of course, we all have to start somewhere, so make it easy on yourself—let the pros help you get started! Sign up for one of our free, 20-minute, online Q&A sessions. We offer a variety of topics, and there’s always time at the end of class for your questions.

Weekly Inspiration

Let us be your cheerleader, and sign up for our weekly Roundup—an awesome, short, informative (and occasionally hilarious) newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time, but we don’t think you will. ;)

We're Here for You!

If all of these resources have left your head spinning, then maybe a dance break is in order. If not, then dive in! And, should you have any questions—any questions at all—we’ve got the friendliest support team around. Give us a shout!

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The Unofficial YNAB Support Starter Kit