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A Love Letter To My Budget At Christmas

Dearest Budget,

I know I’m not always good about expressing my feelings. But it is Christmastime, and I’m especially aware of all the good things in my life. I find myself wanting to cling tightly to the ones I love most.

And you, Budget, whether or not I always show it, are one of the relationships for which I am most grateful.

In so many ways, you balance me out and help me to be the best version of myself.

You are so good about always reminding me what really matters most, and helping me stay focused on those things.

In my limited experience, only in the most authentic and significant of relationships, can constructive criticism be delivered in a loving way you can actually hear and accept. You do that for me, Budget, and even though it can be annoying when you gently point out a bad habit or remind me of a weakness, it is such a good thing and I am grateful for your perspective.

I know there are times when I take you for granted or don’t give you the attention you deserve, but especially during the holidays, I’m keenly aware of your profound influence in my life.

Before you, financially, the holidays were full of excess, waste, guilt, obligation and regret. And there were so many credit cards involved. Oh, the credit cards…

You have shown me another way, a better way. You didn’t just improve my financial state of affairs, you helped me relax. I enjoy this season in a way I never did before because previously I wasn’t in control. Now, I know I can afford every gift I buy and it makes every single bit of it more fun. You did that, Budget—thank you.

Thank you for coming alongside me. I love doing life together, and I’m genuinely excited for what is ahead! Here’s to us in 2017 and beyond!



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