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Migrate from Mint with Ease

December 26, 2023
A screenshot of the YNAB web app settings menu, with Mint selected from the Migrate From options

Mint is waving đź‘‹ and YNAB is ready to make moving day easy.

That’s right; we’re here to help you pack up your Mint data. Everyone needs the kind of friend who shows up early with extra boxes 📦—and you don’t even have to pay us with pizza! 

If you’re trying out YNAB as an alternative to Mint, the set up process just got a major upgrade. You can now migrate your categories and average spending amounts from Mint into YNAB in a matter of minutes. Just export your data from Mint, select the "Migrate from... Mint" option in the Settings menu, and follow the prompts. We'll create a new budget with the migrated data, so you don't have to worry about losing any progress you may have already made. 

This migration option is also available for new users at signup so if you have friends that have been on the fence about giving YNAB a try, let them know that we’re ready to help them make the move!


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