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74K App Store Reviews

The best features all in one app

A wealth-building tool at your fingertips

We’re on a mission to build a better blueprint for spending and saving.

A green illustrated coffee mug that says "I Love YNAB"


No popups, no third-party products in the app—just money-management zen.

A green illustrated lock

Bank-grade security

Data encryption, 2FA, and data centers that are accredited multiple times over.

Green star illustration

World-class support

Friendly, helpful, and all-around wonderful human beings just waiting to help you.

Connect to your bank

Securely link your accounts and import transactions automatically.

The bank institution selection screen in the YNAB app

Stay in sync

Access YNAB on your computer, phone, or tablet (even offline!). YNAB updates automatically across all of your devices.

A display of the YNAB app on a web browser, tablet, and mobile phone

Manage money together

Share your YNAB subscription with partners, families, and other close-knit groups of up to six people—all for the price of a single subscription!

The YNAB Together Group Manager screen in the YNAB app

Other features

That’s not all. We’re constantly pumping out new features to improve the way you manage your money.

A green illustrated gear
Easy Setup Mode
A green illustrated calculator
Split Transactions
A green illustrated pencil writing on a sheet of paper
Endless Customization
A green illustrated cellphone
A display of the YNAB app on a web browser and two mobile phones

Goal tracking

Prioritize spending and savings goals with our powerful target-setting features, and track your progress at a glance.

The target screen in the YNAB app showing savings for a trip to Hawaii

Loan calculator

Demolish debt with YNAB’s loan planner tool. We’ll calculate how much interest and time you'll save for every extra dollar you put toward debt.

A gif showing YNAB's loan payoff simulator calculating the payoff date

Spending and net worth reports

Eye candy (read: graphs and charts) makes it fun to obsess over your progress. See your average grocery spend (down to the cent) and your growing wealth in full technicolor glory.

The net worth chart report in the YNAB app showing an upward trend