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They Did It!

Let’s take a little fast forward into the future. After 1 year, 4 months, and 3 days, Jamie and Oscar had paid off the last of their credit card debt. They celebrated with Indian food.
They hadn’t taken on any new credit card debt since they started YNAB, and they had a plan to pay off the remaining student loan eight years from now.

They’ve started building a nest egg for a down payment: suddenly that dream of a house is actually in view.

Oh—and a crazy thing happened the other day—one of Jamie’s friends asked her for money advice.

They didn’t think it was possible to completely flip their money script. But that’s exactly what happened. Words can’t really describe what life feels like, but the closest thing might be that they finally feel free.

How’s that for a happily ever after?

Ready to keep going on your progress in your financial life? Subscribe with YNAB to gain total control of your money for good.

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