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How to Use YNAB Mobile Search

Search no more for search on mobile.

Can’t remember how much you spent on takeout last week? Is the desk clerk at the gym saying your membership fee is due when you know you paid it last week? Not to worry — you can now easily search transactions on your mobile device.*

*Right now this feature is only available for iOS devices. We’re actively working on the Android integration and it’ll be worth the wait — promise!

Here’s How to Search

You’ll see the search bar at the top of any account register. You can also search across accounts by selecting All Accounts on the Accounts tab and using the search box there.

Type a number and YNAB will show you transactions that may match your search.

Search Criteria

You can also search for multiple criteria because fancy! For example, if you wanted to see all of the red flags in your dining category, you could search “Dining Red”. Here are the different criteria you can search for:

  • Category
  • Payee
  • Amount
  • Flag
  • Memo
  • Splits
  • Cleared/Uncleared/Reconciled/Unreconciled
  • Approved/Unapproved
  • Inflow/Outflow

Tapping X or Cancel will clear a search. If you only see a limited list of transactions in your account register, this means that search is still filtering your transactions. To go back to the full list, scroll to the top and tap the X or Cancel.

Now, go forth and search!

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How to Use YNAB Mobile Search