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New Feels at the Grocery Store

Normally, going to the grocery store was a stressful endeavor for Oscar. The amount always varied, it was hard to predict, and they typically spent more than they wanted on food (but who doesn’t!).

But this time around, it was different. He checked his grocery budget ($65 remaining), and headed into the store.

He stuck to his list and into the cart went ingredients for chili, tacos, bread, milk, eggs, granola bars, bananas, almond milk, ice cream, and a gallon of chocolate milk. After some quick mental math, Oscar put back the gallon of chocolate milk. His total: $58. Turns out he could’ve gotten the chocolate milk after all, but he didn’t mind having an extra couple bucks for whatever the next week threw at him. Grocery store success!

This was a whole new feeling at the grocery store. Normally, he was so stressed because he was always strapped for cash. But today, he had a budget and he just followed his plan.

And next time? Chocolate milk is definitely going to be part of the plan.

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New Feels at the Grocery Store