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June 25th: Christmas Is Expensive Awareness Day

…because the night before Christmas is no time to be worried about money.

Do you remember back in January, when we talked about how to reverse engineer your Christmas cheer? Well, I know that some of you may have rolled your eyes at the notion of saving for Christmas in January and then scrolled right on by—I mean, what kind of budgeting super-nerd had I mistaken you for, right?Well, we meet, again. And it’s not too late! There are still six whole months to set aside some cash before Santa’s sleigh cruises through your slice of the sky. Before you roll your eyes, again, consider the following.

More Cash, More Magic

Online and in-person, spending money is a lot more fun when your purchase is 100 percent guilt-free, which is why saving specifically for Christmas is so great. I mean, you’re earmarking actual money for presents and parties! Who wouldn’t enjoy that?Say “no” to January credit card payments by starting your ‘North Pole Fund’ category today. And remember, the only thing that should weigh you down about holiday shopping is your shopping bags.

Priorities Remove the Pressure for Perfect

For a lot of people, commercialism around the holidays is a total drain … but YNABers aren’t a lot of people. Plan your Christmas spending, now, and you won’t spend a second wondering if you should buy more gifts, better gifts or glitzier decorations. Who cares what the Joneses (or the McCallisters) are doing this year? You have a budget—a plan for what you really want your money to do—and you’re stickin’ to it.

Embrace Your Inner Elf

Experience the joy of being a year-round elf—if you spot a good sale on the perfect present, or if your sweetheart spies something special while you’re away on vacation, get it (when he/she’s not looking, of course). Dip into your stash because that’s what it’s there for! You’ll get points for being thoughtful, and your Christmas cash is bound to go further on Prime Day, right?

Enjoy Guilt-free Christmas Goodness

This year, give your credit card (and anxiety) a break. Relax with your family and friends knowing that your festivities are totally planned and paid for. As of today, we’ve still got 182 days left to make it happen, so get going! You won’t believe how amazing it feels to spend within your means. You’ll feel lighter and brighter, presents will mean more, and you can focus on the stuff that money can’t buy—and that’s what great holidays are made of!

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June 25th: Christmas Is Expensive Awareness Day