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Data Subject Rights Requests

YNAB values your privacy. If you would like to unsubscribe from our marketing emails, please use the unsubscribe link provided in those emails.

Depending on your jurisdiction, laws may provide you with certain rights regarding your personal information. You may submit such a request using the form below or by emailing privacy@ynab.com (with “Data Subject Rights Request” in the subject). Please see the “Your Choices and Rights” section of our Privacy Policy for more information about your rights: https://www.ynab.com/privacy-policy

We will only fulfill requests for personal information associated with the personal information we store about you that is connected with the identifying information you provide below. For instance, if you believe your personal information may be associated with more than one email address, you must submit a separate request for each email address and separately verify your identity.

If you are an authorized agent submitting a request on behalf of another individual, please provide the information below for both your client and yourself.

Data Subject Details

Fields marked with * are mandatory.
As an agent, you may be required to provide us with a written, signed form allowing you to submit the request on the consumer’s behalf. To complete this request, we will also send an email to the consumer at the email provided above so that the consumer can verify their identity.
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