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certified YNAB coach

Mindy Hurd


I help people create a life they love by aligning their money with their priorities and values. Whether you're brand new to YNAB or struggling to implement it consistently, we'll work together to create a healthy and fun relationship with money!

My Background

Early in our marriage, my husband and I had vague financial goals but just couldn't seem to get out of the cycle of overspending and not paying off our debt so that we could reach them. Now after using YNAB for 15+ years, we're meeting our more specific financial goals and no longer feel like our finances are out of control. Our spending is aligned with our values and I love knowing that we're prepared for the future while still enjoying our lives in the present.

I hold a master's degree in counseling and also provide career counseling to individuals.

Why Work with Me

I work with clients using an empathetic and nonjudgmental approach. I help my clients understand how their beliefs about money are impacting their actions with their money. You and I will get clear on your future goals as well as identify your current priorities. You’ll learn how to create and maintain a budget that aligns with your life’s values rather than just restricting all of your spending. You’ll create habits that will allow you to experience the peace that comes from knowing that you are prepared for the future while creating the life you desire.

Why I Coach

I want to help others experience the freedom that comes with aligning your money with your values and priorities. I love seeing my clients feel a sense of peace once they begin spending their money intentionally and start meeting their goals.  YNAB has had a positive effect on my life and I want everyone I work with to experience that so they can create a life they love!I love working with individuals at all stages of life, whether new college grads, couples with families, or someone hoping to make a career or life transition.

Focus Areas

Life Transitions
College Grads
YNAB Certified Coaches have completed an intensive training program but are not employed by YNAB. Pricing is determined individually by each coach.
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Lafayette, Colorado, United States
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YNAB Certified Since
March 2023
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