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certified YNAB coach

Alyson Greene May


I support therapists (& others who hold sacred space for clients). Would you love to experience greater ease, confidence & playfulness in your relationship with money—and bring this grounded, somatically-informed perspective to your clients? Using YNAB, you’ll learn skills to transform your daily money life from stress & confusion to clarity & calm. :-)

My Background

In 2018, inspired by my passion for how YNAB was transforming my money life, I began a 5-year deep dive into personal finance by supporting a team of Certified Financial Planners as Operations Manager. There I deepened my knowledge (& absorbed much wisdom) in the areas of client support & coaching, entrepreneurship, and holistic financial planning while supporting clients & also producing weekly financial-educational content.

A long-time experiential educator & practitioner of the healing arts, I hold a Masters of Education degree, & I’ve completed hundreds of hours of training—& thousands of hours of practice!—in interpersonal & intrapersonal skills (including meditation & a variety of healing modalities).

Why Work with Me

I’m a skilled trainer/educator/facilitator with a background in personal finance.

My coaching work is grounded in 25+ years of dedicated spiritual/meditation practice & personal healing work.

My approach is practical, organized, deeply compassionate, trauma-informed . . . and playful. Yes, money work can be playful. :-)

Curious to learn more? I offer a FREE 45-minute coaching session: Feel free to ask me anything, and I’ll be able to learn a bit about your situation & share more about the way I support clients. If you’d like, we’ll even do a little YNAB coaching together. This is the best way to know if we’re a good match.

Why I Coach

When we discovered YNAB in 2017, my husband and I were able to completely transform our finances—from confusion/avoidance, general unease, and very old debts to a a life of dynamic financial clarity (and joy)—while becoming & remaining 100% debt free.

And, more personally, over the past 13+ years, I’ve done much money-healing work, unraveling ancestral money traumas that carried forward through generations + creating a new, healthier, & more generative relationship with both finances and with the (related) realms of grounded, embodied presence, deep nourishment, and resourcing/resilience.

It brings my heart much happiness to support the financial wellbeing of others.

Focus Areas

Variable Income
Life Transitions
YNAB Certified Coaches have completed an intensive training program but are not employed by YNAB. Pricing is determined individually by each coach.
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Greene Star Financial Healing
Bellingham, Washington, United States
Meeting Options
Remote & In-Person
YNAB Certified Since
March 2023
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YNAB Certified Coaches have completed an intensive training program but are not employed by YNAB. Pricing is determined individually by each coach.
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